Not a tortured artist

I like to work on tiny things.

Here's a guy with an obsession that puts mine to shame, and on a huge scale, too.  He reminds me of what an old art history professor said about Matisse, that he had strong feelings about only one thing--painting--and painting was pure joy to him.


  1. Interesting material- soft enough to scrape with a trowel and apparently strong enough to be self supporting.

  2. $12/hour! I'd like to know what he thinks is wrong with charging people at least what they're perfectly willing to pay (and I'm sure it's more than $12/hour).

    I suppose it's a bit of an insight into the making of Petra, Syria. Now, if I could just find a nice piece of land with sandstone cliffs...

  3. I'll bet he charges even $12/hr because he knows he has to buy food or he'll starve. Otherwise I'm guessing he'd do it for free, on the ground that there's nothing he'd rather be doing.
