Name that medieval map

Fun with cartography.


  1. 11 of 15. Not too shabby.

  2. 7. Should have trusted my instincts more.

    Interestingly, one of my capta clues was Parma.

    Eric Hines

  3. Eric, me too. 9. Several times convinced myself that it couldn't be what I thought for one reason or another...

    Fun, though.

    Oh, and Parma is a great place. Best breakfast ever- coming out of a tour of a Parmigiano Reggiano factory where we were shown the making of the cheese and the storage and care of the cheese during aging, and in the interstitial space between the manufacturing side and the storage/aging side, they had set up a table wit 12 month and 24 month aged cheese and local Prosecco. The sun had just begun to pierce the Po River Valley fog. It was glorious.

  4. Douglas, I never made it to the mainland. I loved my two-week tour on Sardinia, though, courtesy of the USAF and its desire for us to scout out places to put radars for an ACMI range. I've always preferred the countryside to the cities, anyway.

    'Course there, we had to convince the locals that our radars weren't going to kill their sheep.

    Eric Hines

  5. Eric Blair4:46 PM

    Heh. 14/15. Only couldn't read the one I missed for anything that gave a clue.
