The Deep South

I realize that for some the Deep South is eternally guilty as somehow the source of all racism, radiating it outwards perhaps by its poisonous presence. Nevertheless, Colbert I. King, neither of your stories happened in the Deep South. Neither Oklahoma nor Missouri is plausibly part of the Deep South, nor do they share much with the culture of that produced Sidney Lanier (of Georgia), William Faulkner (Mississippi), or Flannery O'Connor (born in Savannah, Georgia).

Let us atone for our own sins, which are surely serious enough in your eyes, without asking us to carry those of others.

UPDATE: Geingo (Gringo?) points out that my eyes have deceived me, and that the first story is not set in "Oklahoma" but in "Okolona," a town in Mississippi. Mississippi certainly is in the Deep South, though Missouri remains well outside of it.


  1. Geingo3:55 PM

    Nevertheless, Colbert I. King, neither of your stories happened in the Deep South. Neither Oklahoma nor Missouri is plausibly part of the Deep South..

    How did Oklahoma get into the discussion? I searched for "Oklahoma" at the link, but didn't find it. However, Oklona college, located in Oklona Mississippi is mentioned.

  2. Ymar Sakar4:50 PM

    That depends on whether a region, like the South is guilty, or whether an organization, the Democrat party, is guilty. Very different things these days.

  3. Oh, I must have misread the word. Well, we're still not responsible for Missouri.

  4. It's about narrative, which is more readily understood by getting the tone right. Facts have nothing to do with it.

    I mean... I still take some comfort in people bothering to mention the actual facts, but don't delude yourself into thinking there is anyone out there who will be persuaded. Those who believed on sight will be impervious to further persuasion.

  5. Gringo after checking for typos11:43 AM

    Yes Geingo would be Gringo.

    Speaking of powers of observation, I walk a neighbor's dog- which several months became dogs. The new dog is named Shadow. Several days ago a neighbor who stopped to pet the dogs noticed that Shadow's name tag had Shadrow on it. In the two months I had been walking Shadow, I had never noticed that.

  6. There is a maj white Okolona that is a south-side suburb of Louisville, Ky., along Dixie Hwy as well, and, considered to be chock-full of naught but "red-necks." LOL (as opposed to the "progressive" silk-stocking lefties who live along the Ohio River--the "Rose Island Road" and "Louisville Boat Club" crowd.)
