That's Unclear

I was very offended that Senator Harkin would say that. I think it’s unfortunate that he and many of their party believe that you can’t be a real woman if you’re conservative and you’re female. I believe that if my name would have been John Ernst, attached to my resume, Senator Harkin would not have said those thing.
Being "John" doesn't always save you.

Nor "Dan," for that matter.

It's a charge aimed at those who present as youthful and attractive, instead of serious and seasoned. Ernst should be more confident, given her resume. Whining demeans the self.


  1. I only wish she wouldn't say "if I would have been."

  2. She's holding them to their own rules- showing them to be hypocrites. I'm not sure I put that down as whining in this context. She's not saying she feels like she's a victim, or that she's been held back, she's just saying he is making a statement that if you were to judge it by their own standards, should be deemed offensive. I think it's possible to point out that something is offensive without claiming that offense is inhibiting you in any way.

  3. I'd accept that, Douglas, more readily if she'd said something like, "You know, if a Republican talked about a female combat veteran candidate in that way..."

    I'm tired of the games, too, though. Offense games most of all. I just don't want to start playing them back. I want to drive them out of existence.

  4. Eric Blair9:09 PM

    I think Douglas has the sense of it. I think there may have been more biting ways of saying what she said, but hey, it looks like she is going to win, which if so, she gets the last laugh.
