Stirring up the hairstyle

Not much ever happens to my hair.  It's reached a certain length at which entropy just keeps pace with growth.  If I'm not asleep, it's tied back in a ponytail.  It gets washed from time to time.  If I were looking for some high-maintenance options for generating a little drama, though, I couldn't do much better than these.  Dang.


  1. raven8:00 PM

    They got way too much time on their hands.

  2. Gringo12:02 PM

    My favorite was the Tim Duncan haircut. Not that I'd ever have it on me. My haircuts consist of spending 5 minutes every month or two in front of the mirror. Not so much to save money, but to save time.

  3. DL Sly4:33 PM

    Heh, at least Grim will know where I got the picture for any upcoming caption contests.
