Somebody Broke Cass

Possibly me. If so, I've done myself a great harm, because her place has been one of the first things I've read each day for years.

Since she's disabled comments, I'll say here: I'll miss you. Fighting with you was one of my very favorite things. I'm guessing it wasn't always fun, but you asked for it, and it was always meant as a mark of respect. I'd rather fight with you than agree with almost anyone. That's why I kept doing it.

Pax tecum.


  1. Grim, my friendship with you is one of those things I will always treasure, and I've never doubted your kindness or your good will.

    Give me some time to accept this and I'll by happy to argue with you here at the Hall if you can stand it. (Lord, that sounds melodramatic, doesn't it? But VC was almost like a child to me and it feels a little like a death).

    I guess when you get that attached to something, it really is time to let it go :p

  2. Cass, I was a fairly sporadic commenter at your site, but I always loved reading it.

  3. Thank you, Ron. I always enjoyed reading your comments.

  4. Terrible news. Cass, you are a wise and witty person, thank you for all your thought-provoking posts and comments over the years.

  5. You'll always be welcome, Cass.

  6. Eric Blair11:33 PM

    Didn't you do this before? Stop blogging and all?

    I think you will be back. You have too much you want to say.

  7. Eric Blair11:35 PM

    And that was not meant unkindly, just to be clear.

  8. I didn't take it unkindly :)

  9. Sad to see you retiring from blogging again, Cass; your posts and community were among the most thoughtful I've seen online.

    Will you at least be leaving the site up in archive form? You did a lot of really impressive research and number-crunching that made holy hamburger out of sacred cows on both sides, and I'd hate to see it all disappear from the Internet.

  10. I second Matt's point
