Election Night

How are your favorites doing tonight?

UPDATE: My congressman from the Mighty Ninth was handily re-elected. Georgia's top-level results are apt to be close, though the exit polls suggest the Republicans are going to have a good night here just because of the age of electorate. But here in the 9th, we went 80/20 for the incumbent. This will be only his second term. He's been good so far.

UPDATE: Looks like "John" Ernst pulled it off. Good for him her. Get some, ma'am.

UPDATE: With 78% in, it's not even close here in Georgia. All the polls strongly overestimated the chance of Georgia going blue in its statewide races. CBS is calling it for Perdue, and while the staunchly liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution isn't ready to admit it yet, it doesn't look like we're even going to get close to needing a runoff. Perdue is leading by 16 points. Nathan Deal, in his own race, is leading by 15.

UPDATE: As Mike points out, SC went blood red this year. North Carolina is a lot closer than anything else in the Deep South tonight: the Republican is ahead, but barely and still below 50%. Looks like he's being kept afloat by a strong showing among older voters too. North Carolina has an "Instant Runoff" law, so the question may depend on whether the Libertarian voters put down Red or Blue as their second choice.

UPDATE: With 92% in, the AJC still won't call the statewide races. Heartbreak in downtown Atlanta!

UPDATE: CBS is now calling NC for the Red team. The AJC has finally admitted the Red night in Georgia, too.

UPDATE: RCP is calling NC the same way.


  1. South Carolina went nearly straight Republican.

    Across the river, we've got a bit of a shocker in that John Barrow (D) a pretty popular incumbent got dropped for Rick Allen (R) for Barrow's House seat. I'm pretty shocked at the numbers I'm seeing with regards to the Georgia Governor's and Senate races. I thought they were going to be a LOT closer, but as of right now, both Republicans have a double digit lead on the Democrats. I'm sure that will tighten up when the Atlanta totals come in, but still, that's pretty surprising to me.

  2. Atlanta's more than half in, though. It's a Red night in Georgia.

  3. My old stomping ground, Chicago: Illinois has gone Republican in the Governor's house.

    Apparently one or both of two things happened: the voters finally got tired of their govs retiring from the State House to the Big House, and/or the Cook County cemeteries stayed home.

    Here in my little corner of Texas, we've stayed Republican.

    In January, the party needs to start governing. I liked the Majority Whip's interview on Fox News, when he said the House and Senate needed to have a common retreat and work out a common agenda. I was disappointed when Megyn Kelly had to press him repeatedly to get him off his campaign talking points and onto specifics that would be on that agenda. At that, all she got out of him was Obamacare repeal and replace.

    Eric Hines

  4. Joni Ernst: We're going to Washington and we're going to make them squeal.

    Eric Hines

  5. We'll see.

    Issue #1 will probably dealing with the immigration grenade the President is likely to throw during the lame duck session.

  6. Frankly, I don't know what they COULD do, short of impeachment (which is NOT a thing I desire... President Joe Biden is a phrase that terrifies me).

  7. With (R) legislature, (R) Gov. Walker of Wisconsin will 1) eliminate the minimum wage altogether; 2) make all forms of birth control illegal, and 3) institute a poll tax of $500.00. It is also rumored that he will build a fence at the southern border of Wisconsin patrolled by armed National Guard units (with shoot-to-kill orders).

  8. Well, at least that's a robust agenda!

  9. That's what the newspapers/Democrats are telling us, anyway.

  10. raven3:58 PM

    A few million WA residents got turned into inadvertent potential felons last night by the billionaire bill, I. 594. Seems like every year we get closer to a Marxist distopia.

    Noticed the pro 594 site was stating it is necessary to maintain sales records, not just do the background check, because other wise the cops would have no way to prove when the gun was sold- they admitted the purpose was to prosecute, not to ensure safe transfer. It seemed to me what they were getting at was the owner would have no way to prove when he obtained it- IE- are they going to be asking the owners to prove a negative? you have a gun, the cops ask for purchase info, if you do not have any, what then? Do you have to go to trial to try and prove when you bought it? even though your dad gave it to in 1996?

  11. Perhaps they'll invite you to register your guns, for your own protection of course.

  12. raven7:12 PM

    I suspect that will be the next thing on the agenda. I am quite sure we will all comply, after all, the law is the law.
