Double Heh

I know not everyone here is a fan of Anonymous, but surely we can all enjoy this little tale of the time the Klan decided to declare a cyber war on the hackers.

As Jayne Cobb would say, "Saw that comin'."


  1. Eric Blair10:00 PM

    That is pretty funny.

  2. I like that it's a 'deserving' target, but I don't like the tactics- wrong is wrong.

  3. Ymar Sakar12:07 PM

    Is that what the KKK is dong now that the Democrats refuse to support them overly or covertly any more.

  4. Ymar Sakar12:11 PM

    It’s been a terrible week for the KKK. Anonymous released identities of members, took down numerous Klan web sites, and usurped control of the official Twitter.

    What will come next? Stay tuned…

    In the days when the Democrats pulled the strings of the KKK (and blamed it on NB Forrest), what would be next would be a pile of bodies half as high as ISIL's pile right now.

    But the old days are no longer. That's the only funny part to me.
