Cold Days Coming

Gonna need more firewood. Seems like that's all I did this summer, though in fact of course I did a few other things. But I'd have been happy to have done too much: indeed, doing 'too much' was my goal. Instead, it's 18 degrees a month before winter, and NASA says it's just going to get worse.


  1. Ymar Sakar6:00 AM

    As the world freezes, the great Fire continues to burn out the nation's lifeblood.

    Gaia dies, human evil lives on. A direct relationship perhaps.

  2. Yah, well, the firewood suppliers up here are saying that they'll be out of product in mid-January, at the latest.

  3. We did a night's freeze a week ago in Plano. Filled the winter square for me; I'm ready for summer.

    Which is coming, because Global Warming. It's nature that lies.

    Eric Hines

  4. Eric Blair10:45 PM

    Maunder minimum!
