An Uber for Education

Jim Gerraghty caught flak this week for proposing that, as long as we're going to let the federal government take over our lives, why don't we have a federal mandate requiring states to give parents school choice?  I take to heart his readers' objections that he was indulging in the same fascist tactics that we so deplore in his opponents, but I don't see why we couldn't make federal education dollars contingent on support for vouchers, home-schooling, and other forms of school choice.  I'd rather see the federal education dollars dry up, anyway, so if states decided to start refusing them, that wouldn't bother me.

1 comment:

  1. Ymar Sakar4:14 PM

    Difficult to say. Depends on tactical and strategic options.

    Education is not merely indoctrination due to federal funding or lack of vouchers. There are other considerations and factions at work.
