"You Got Me. I Ain't Even Married."

1990 was long ago. 24 years, I guess: I wonder if as much changed between 1950 and 1974? Between 1974 and 1998?

Perhaps things did. Perhaps things wither away so quickly now that it is like trying to stand firm on quicksand. Perhaps: but that puts me in mind of an old story.


  1. I have a friend who linked the response from a black blogger who is "not amused" (to put it mildly) about several of the things the mother is claiming in her lawsuit. Basically, the blogger was complaining about the lesbian being a racist.

    And frankly, that's where I expect to see the great fracture in the Democrat party. It's too large a coalition of otherwise competing interests to last forever (contrary to what the media would have you think). Many, MANY people in the black community despise comparisons of the struggle for gay rights with the civil rights movement. In fact, one of the strongest blocks of support for Prop 8 in California (which was conveniently ignored by protesters) was the black community. Mark my words, that clash for control of the Democrat party is coming. It's just a matter of time.

  2. I understand why people would be upset by the racist aspects of this -- certainly the complaint is racist in a pure sense. But it's not a very surprising sort of racism: one of my greatest friends is an Army officer who, as a black American, married a woman from Germany and experienced exactly the same reaction from members of his own family.

    What sticks with me about the movie, though, is the completely unconscious way in which Benny's confession (that he actually doesn't have any kids to feed) is expressed as an admission that he 'isn't even married.' The clear assumption the scriptwriter makes and assumes his audience will also make is that one would be married if one had children.

    Somehow we moved on from that so far that the movie's line, so safe an assumption a generation ago, is shockingly out of place now. The child in this story is a kind of lifestyle good purchased by a couple, who may even think of themselves as 'married' in a sense that 1990 would not have recognized, fathered by someone they've never met nor (apparently) would like to meet, who will also never meet his daughter; and they're suing because they think the child-toy they bought was made with substandard parts.

  3. Ymar Sakar7:58 PM

    Perhaps things were made to change by the Left, ever thought of that?

  4. How could I avoid thinking of it when you bring it up a hundred times a day?

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I always got the impression that a lot of change happened from 1950 to 1974. I mean who had even heard of LSD in 1950? Which is really only a tiny piece of the whole.

    Then again 1974 was before I was even born, so maybe my impression is incorrect.

  6. Ymar Sakar3:09 PM

    What does being married have to do with 5 kids?

  7. Ymar Sakar3:10 PM

    How could I avoid thinking of it when you bring it up a hundred times a day?

    That's me thinking of it and giving it tactical and strategic consideration. That doesn't mean you are doing it.

    Reading things doesn't mean anything, it certainly doesn't mean comprehension or agreement. So many people say that if only Leftists would "read" the Constitution or somebody conservative's book, they would... what? They wouldn't get anything.

  8. Well, it certainly doesn't mean agreement. And it might imply boredom -- mine -- with your obsession with this amorphous "Left" you want to see destroyed. Fish or cut bait, you know?

  9. Ymar Sakar12:05 PM

    The timeline of the Leftist alliance's operations aren't set by me. So it's up to them to fish or cut, and if they want to take another 50 years, they have that option.

    As for the shape, if you don't see it by now, that's not my problem.

  10. As far as I can tell, the shape is roughly the inside contours of your head. If I write a post about an author who died 300 years ago, you tell me that the Left is turning them into propaganda for its agenda. If I write a post about Stonehenge, you tell me that the Left is conspiring to dig it up.

    Leave it out, OK? You're welcome to pitch it to whoever will listen, anywhere else. Here, let's talk about something besides the Vast Leftist Conspiracy.
