Travel monitors

This actually strikes me as a pretty sane measure:  state health officials will be trying to monitor all incoming travelers from the Ebola-stricken countries for 21 days.  It's not airtight, obviously, and I have real doubts about whether the health officials will have the resources or the determination to follow through instead of treating this like a public-relations box to check off, but it's a step.  All our experience, including our good luck with the families of Thomas Duncan, Nina Pham, Amber Vinson, and the Spanish nurse, points to the probability that Ebola doesn't spread very readily early on.  If we keep a sharp eye on the people most likely to be developing symptoms in the next few weeks, we increase our chances of getting them into isolation before they're most dangerous.  At least, I'd like to hope that no one on this "watch list" could be turned away unthinkingly from an ER.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    They should also be politely given the option to maintain a voluntary quarantine, with clear advice to avoid public transportation, and to disclose the situation to the employers of family members.

    Liberians have obviously been discussing what to do amongst themselves, and resolved that the ethical response is voluntary quarantine with disclosure, just like the doctors who have treated patients and returned (but not the doctor that is really a news reporter. I suspect that explains why she is a reporter.)


  2. This would be better done in conjunction with a quarantine of the three (so far) nations, in order to hold the size of the monitored population to a manageable level.

    Passports have visa stamps, and breaks in travel should be a red flag.

    Eric Hines

  3. Ymar Sakar5:53 PM

    Soon there'll be another gov union TSA for Ebola.
