Scary Halloween stuff

Costumes and haunted houses are bad enough, but what about this:
Many Halloween candies contain palm oil, the large-scale, monoculture production of which is driving deforestation, extinction, human rights abuses, and climate change!
According to that 2007 U.N. report, from 2000 to 2005, nearly 50,000 acres of forest were lost every day across the Earth. Some of that forest was cleared to make way for palm oil plantations....
[T]he milk used in the candy bar turns out to be by far the largest component of its carbon footprint—suggesting that dark chocolate may be an environmentally friendlier choice.... [And yet C]ocoa flourishes in many of the world's biodiversity "hot spots"; as a result, cocoa cultivation has resulted in the destruction of millions of acres of environmentally fragile rainforest.
It's not too early to be thinking of ways to spoil Christmas, too:



  1. Wearing an advent wreath in your hair sounds like bad policy to me... but then again, I already don't have a lot of hair.

  2. What movie is this from? I think I'd like it.

  3. "The Ref," where Denis Leary is a burglar who gets stuck with a bickering couple (Judy Davis and Kevin Spacey) over the Christmas holidays.

  4. Gosh, I haven't seen that movie in years... not since it came out in theaters.

  5. I love the way they manage to hold their tongues when she declares that St. Lucia's beliefs "rendered her inflammable."

  6. Ymar Sakar7:10 AM

    The Left requires your obedience. Nothing else will suffice. And no, believing in false gods like Christianity or Jewish religions do, don't count as obedience.

    The only true god is the Left's god.

  7. I dug that movie up last night and watched it with the wife, who had never seen it. She thought it was hilarious.

  8. I am of Swedish background and go to a church that is still residually Swedish. We have a full Luciafest every other year.

    For the record, only the Lucia queen, oldest girl in the home or the pageant, wears a crown of lights. Never adults or males - until last year. Boys in Sweden can be Lucia queens now. Which makes me crazy.
