It's Good To Be King

I can't remember which ex-President said it, but one of them was asked what he missed most about holding the office and answered that he had loved always winning at golf.
Emma has taken a keen interest in the career of Charles Brandon, a man of relatively modest status who joined the court of Henry VIII and became Duke of Sufolk, marrying Henry’s sister, Mary Tudor, despite little or no involvement in the warfare, theology or politics – the normal arenas for advancement.

“The only thing he is any use at is jousting. This is something that has been completely overlooked,” said Emma. “I have used the score cheques to look at him and they show that he is the best jouster in Henry’s court and he often jousts against the king.

“However, it seems that he manipulates the scores. When he jousts against everybody else, he will win. When he jousts against the king, he will lose."
Just bad luck, probably. Just like it was good luck that he was elevated to the upper nobility, and allowed to marry into the royal family.


  1. I never understood the pleasure taken by some at unearned 'victory'. Enjoyment of others deferral to them despite their lack of a particular skill? Small recompense. Anyone who would do that is also no achievement to get deferral from.

  2. Ymar Sakar10:23 AM

    One does not bite the hand that feeds them, such is the loyalty of the servant.

    But the treacherous snakes will mimic it and then betray their liege.

    That is why it is better to have equal partners or rivals, for they are more useful than servants.
