Card-carrying non-infidels

ISIS is issuing certificates, good for three months, showing that persons unlucky enough to be caught in their territory are provisionally considered non-infidels:
To whom it may concern,
We hereby notify you that the one named Na’il Salu bin Basaam of the people of the al-Raqa emirate took and satisfactorily passed a course on Repentance.
Based on this, we hereby grant him this certificate confirming that he is not an infidel [kafir] and that it is impermissible to lash, crucify, or rape him, unless a legitimate reason arises for the soldiers of the caliphate or if it’s been established that he has returned to apostasy and wants his freedom.
That's almost as bad as requiring a voter i.d., which is just like a poll tax.


  1. I don't know. A card entitling you not to be raped could be quite valuable in some places.

  2. unless a legitimate reason arises for the soldiers of the caliphate

    Does "because I want to" count?

    Eric Hines
