Can We Get A Similar Waiver for US Citizens?

Volunteers are willing to go, but getting through the legal red tape on our side of the Atlantic is proving daunting.

UPDATE: Related.


  1. "I believe the capability is there to defend Baghdad," [General Odierno] continued, according to a report in The Hill. "But we’ll have to see what plays out over the coming days."

    The Iraqi "army" had the capability to defend the rest of the country, too. We've seen how that played out.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar1:16 PM

    New Orleans PD was supposed to protect and serve. They went AWOL during Katrina, and those were the good ones. The bad ones were raping, looting, and committing crimes during Katrina.

  3. I saw on Hannity someone (I can't figure out who it was) say, in response to a suggestion of sending a mercenary force, "I'd go..." (around 6:19). I thought of your effort instantly.

    I suspect there are a lot of similarly minded people out there.
