"Who Are You?"

From the Archives, 2008:
The most dangerous question Sen. Obama has ever had to face is, "Who are you?"
Archives, 2010:
From the New York Times, today:

"Who is Barack Obama?"

The danger isn't, though, the one that Bob Herbert expects: that we'll answer the question for him in a way that will be a negative for his agenda.

The danger is that there may be no answer at all.
Today's Wall Street Journal:
At this dramatic time, with a world on fire, we look at the president and ponder again who he is.
It turns out that the question was less dangerous to him than to the rest of us. A pity we didn't take more interest in it.


  1. Well, some of us were interested.

    Conservatives and libertarians share some of the blame (though less than half) on this. Too may of us were complaining he's a marxist - he's only a milk-and-water-marxist and would have been first to go in any real revolution - or that he's a Muslim, or whatever. He was always an empty suit, a Rorschach Test where his supporters could see what they wanted. He's congenitally destined to be halfway between any solid idea and its opposite, pretending he understands both and convincing others he can negotiate between them. The only things that is solid is that he is a snob who supports his tribal affiliations: urban elite and African-American outsider.

    His two tribes are undecided and divided about what to do in the Middle East, so he is as well.

  2. Eric Blair5:33 PM

    Hmmmm...not a bad analysis. Actually the two "tribes" you mention really don't give a rat's ass about the middle east, but unfortunately, the office of the President has to (sorta).

    I'm pretty sure he wants nothing more than for his time in office to be over.

    He got his. Nothing else matters.

  3. It appears that our own isn't the only life that ought not remain unconsidered, eh?

    (Please forgive the double negative- it was necessary for the echo!)
