What we heard at the People's March

Via Reason Magazine, via HotAir:
“We live in a grotesque era where we have everything we want right now,” one protester told Foster, graciously packaging her entire movement up in one self-hating nutshell.


  1. Eric Blair3:11 PM

    That quote is so amazing.

  2. Ymar Sakar3:51 PM

    I want to see bodies piled up like cordwood stacked to the moon. We can't always get what we want.

  3. It's the destruction of all hope and endeavor, to have all we want already.

    With no hope, with no possibility of a man's reach exceeding his grasp, it's the destruction of humanity.

    That's Evil.

    Eric Hines

  4. You can see that, Ymar. Go to Syria. Your dream will be realized.

  5. Calling these people Marxists is unfair to Marxists. Actually, classical Marxists believes in economic development and the use of technology.

    See quote from the Fabian socialists Sydney & Beatrice Webb, at my post here:


  6. Eric Blair5:41 PM

    You really got to wonder about the state of mind that wants to see bodies stacked up like cord wood.

  7. Ymar Sakar5:22 PM

    Grim, they got them all in one placed unburied? Where at.

  8. Ymar Sakar5:24 PM

    Like the previous said, death threats on the internet are funny.

    So is insanity and asking people how many people they have killed. Equivalent.

  9. Eric Blair8:36 PM

    Go seek help, Ymar, before you hurt yourself or others.

  10. Ymar Sakar12:53 PM

    Are you trying to be serious or is this another one of your "how many of you killed" and "death threats on the net is a joke" kind of thoughts?
