Speaking of things that aren't science

Never liked Tyson.  Liking him less and less, and shame on Wikipedia.


  1. You know, before I clicked the link, I was going to say boxing used to be called "the sweet science"...

  2. Tyson and I don't see eye to eye on many things. But I'm mostly convinced he's a philistine, lacking in imagination and human sympathy.

  3. Ymar Sakar8:17 PM

    The Leftist alliance's agents were ordered to mobilize on this subject. Look around, it's not their only operation going on.

  4. As I said in a comment at the linked post, I think the Wikipedia editors are doing a good job. I read through the discussion behind the Tyson page and while some of them are clearly just Tyson protectors, others are trying to sort out what it means to be an encyclopedia versus a blog. I don't see anything wrong with waiting to see what happens with the claims about Tyson over the next month.

    As for Tyson himself, I find his fabrication about George W Bush and the "names the stars" speech despicable, indefensible, and unforgivable.

  5. I am supremely unbothered about the degree to which he and I see eye-to-eye. Or I and anyone.

    On this topic, as I was just telling Tex, Aristotle is the first to agree that at least metaphysics is 'useless.' To have a use is to be useful for something, which is to say that the reason to learn X is so you can do Y.

    Metaphysics isn't like that. All the other forms of knowledge are so you can do it, not vice-versa. It's never supposed to be useful. Were you pursuing a vision of God so you could build a better bridge? Did you want to achieve unity with the One or with Brahman so you could win the lottery?

  6. Even if you pursue metaphysics in purely atheistic terms like String Theory, what did you want it for? The reason you're even developing this untestable, unfalsifiable theory is that you need a way of understanding something else -- some very strange results we get in physics.

    So it's not useful. You can no more turn it into an engineering program than you can (as Douglas Adams put it) punish the gods by firing rockets at right angles to reality. You're pursuing it because the physics aren't enough: you want a vision of the whole. You want to understand. This is the mark of the noblest kind of soul.

  7. Ymar Sakar8:53 AM

    Changing the world is not the only use people get out of existence.

    As for the wiki, they're erasing the various things the author did that nobody else knows about. So they know the fabrications... they think they know it, but they don't know the half of it because most of it was deleted by the overseers to be.

  8. Ymar Sakar8:55 AM

    The IRS did not delete the evidence because they wanted to convince the world they were innocent. People already knew they were guilty, they didn't need proof or the deletion of proof, to believe that all encompassing connect the dots belief.

    It's a delay method, so that the Left can exonerate themselves and take a vacation in the Bermudas.

    They aren't necessarily doing it for free either. They just aren't paid directly by the actors on stage.
