Fuel alternatives

It'll never work!  The infrastructure challenges are insurmountable! . . . OK, maybe they're not so bad, but fracking is evil.

We can confidently predict a concerted effort to prevent the development of a clean, reliable natural gas fuel for cars.


  1. Ymar Sakar2:56 PM

    Everyone knows fracking is unclean.

  2. I'll never go along with it. I want my high octane, high lead gasoline back.

    Eric Hines

  3. Oh, Eric, Eric. You're talking about an informed consumer making a free choice not to buy. That is such old, benighted thinking. If you really want to control the market, you've got to nip things off right at the source, with over-regulation and ideologically motivated misinformation.

  4. OK. I hereby regulate that the only gasoline that can be refined and marketed must be high octane, no ethanol, leaded to maximize octane, and the refiners must brew as much of it as they can.

    Oh, and jobs for lead and zinc miners.

    Win, win.

    Eric Hines

  5. Ymar Sakar11:17 AM

    If the corporate and government elites can be forced to stop using their jets all the time, that might help supply.
