
Kano wins. Edward Luttwak... well, he came in second.


  1. Ymar Sakar10:39 AM

    I read translations of Chinese military history due martial artists and that field. Thus they were more interested in the war and less in the art and linguistics.

    Wasn't to check China's political sphere, though.

    My question is what did China get in return for the trade. Because if they were somehow able to gain mastery of horsemanship from a trade in knowledge, than that was a very long term strategic advantage. Similar to China cannibalizing US and Russian tech. In fact, Russia already did a combined joint research with China because China was stealing so much of their stuff for free and making em competitive with Russian products.

  2. The Chinese are really good at stealing stuff. They obtained nuclear weapons technology from the Soviets by putting back together a shredded set of manuals and research papers.

  3. Ymar Sakar5:16 PM

    That's more like reverse engineering.

  4. Some of the nomad's tactics map into the tactics of terror groups today.
