Civilization v. Celebrity

Foul language warning, though nothing you won't expect if you know who Mike Tyson is.

I have never seen a celebrity called out like that before. Not just any celebrity, either, but a former heavyweight champion of the world who is a demonstrated violent felon.

This host has some guts.


  1. Eric Blair8:26 PM

    Or he's just dumb. I think he's just dumb.

  2. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. But Tyson does need to be called to account on this score. We don't just forget it.

  3. Eric Blair5:55 PM

    Didn't he serve his time? Or does that not count?

  4. Long time ago, but:

    "Normally, when we use the phrase "pay your debt to society," it's purely a figure of speech -- indeed, a very misleading one. There is nothing in going to prison that pays your debt to society. Just the opposite: society is harmed again by having to feed you, house you, pay for your medical care, and pay for professional guards to watch you. Going to prison doesn't pay your debt to society at all. You leave prison owing society more than ever before."

  5. Ymar Sakar11:43 PM

    Paying society is what debt peonage was for. That was the old First Generation slavery. The Democrat plantation was Slavery 2.0.
