Another reason not to overwithhold taxes

IRS refund checks have never been part of my life, since I go to great lengths never to have too much tax withheld, or to have any withheld at all if I can help it.  This is simple matter, in my case, of not wishing to loan the government money interest-free, but it turns out there's another good reason not to do it.  It's fantastically easy for criminals to file electronic tax returns in your name and claim a fraudulent tax refund.  The con man in the video linked here found that about 40% of the dozens of returns he used to file every week would be paid within 7 days.  When the real taxpayer later files a return seeking a refund, he finds that he will have to spend months standing in line and fighting with the IRS to prove his identity.


  1. That makes three sound reasons not to over-withhold.

    The third reason is that, so far, the only means the government has for sanctioning you for not having a health coverage plan acceptable to it is to withhold its "fine" from your refund check.

    Eric Hines

  2. Eric Blair3:13 PM

    Although that supposedly is the case, the IRS is also apparently barred from actually sequestering refunds in another part of the legislation, if I read it correctly.

    But still, I never liked getting a refund, so I've fixed it so I owe something every year.
