An Interview with Farage

A name likely to become more familiar to Americans, Nigel Farage leads the UK Independence Party.
Adams: You’ve seen the comments by the government that they were going to withdraw the passports of folks in ISIS who are Brits . . .

Farage: . . . That’s not what they said at all. They said they’d like to do something. I said two weeks ago, we don’t want these guys back in Britain. Once again, Cameron just mirrors everything I say because he realizes the public agree with me. He worded it beautifully, he’s brilliant. He said he would like to take away their passports, knowing full well that the European Court of Human Rights won’t let us do it.
UPDATE: It's a trap!


  1. Ymar Sakar12:46 PM

    Where was the European Court of Human Rights in the British enslaved villages? Buying up boys and girls?

  2. Interestingly, from what I've seen of them, the ECHR hands out monetary judgments instead of being able to issue injunctions, reverse convictions, etc.

    So if I'm time to double-check at the moment...the UK could revoke the passports; the excitable young fellows could bring an action in the ECHR; they might get some pounds but the wouldn't get their passports.

  3. Ymar Sakar6:02 PM

    Fara's like their version of Sarah Palin, except elected due to parliamentary politics and due to an over focus by the Left on the EU.

    When you get into the big times, then they will target you hard. If you are small, they'll ignore you... which will turn out to be a major mistake for people who ignored Fara.

    They're going to have to get a body bag if they want to keep crushing Britain's villages. Coincidentally Tim Larkin got banned by the UK Home Sec because he was going to fly to a town that had seen Islamic rape/murder riots and teach them how to "defend themselves". Meaning, teach the peasants how to wield lethal force without guns or knives.

    That must have scared the pants off both Labor, the Islamos, and Cameron.
