A Reliable Alternative Energy Source

“A good number to remember is that three tons of waste contains as much energy as one ton of fuel oil… so there is a lot of energy in waste,” Göran Skoglund, spokesperson for Öresundskraft, one of the country’s leading energy companies, explains in the short video below. That means that the two million tons of waste incinerated each year produces around 670,000 tons worth of fuel oil energy. Sweden even helps to clean up other countries in the EU by importing their trash and burning it.


  1. I think it's Norway that's been doing this for years, and Sweden is just joining the bandwagon.

  2. Eric Blair5:03 PM

    I did a paper in grad school on the merits of burning garbage as opposed to burying it.

    Burning won hands down. That was more than a decdade ago. I wonder how much better the technology is today.

  3. Ymar Sakar5:17 PM

    I always wondered why Japan would burn every piece of trash they could fit down the assembly line without blowing up the place.

    Other than the land contamination issues on an island.

  4. Buh buh buh... the carbon! Won't someone think of the polar bears?!?!?!

