Three ridiculous stunts

You've probably heard already that James O'Keefe crossed the U.S.-Mexico border recently, disguised as Osama bin Laden in full get-up.  You may not realize, though, as Jim Geraghty has pointed out, that GOP congressional candidate Raj Peter Bhakta of Pennsylvania did something similar in 2006 when he crossed the border on an elephant with a mariachi band.

That can only be followed up with:


  1. The mariachi band is a nice touch.

  2. Well now I would have said the elephant was a nice touch :p

  3. I didn't say that because I took crossing on the elephant to be the principle part of the act, rather than a touch. But showing that it is possible to cross the Rio Grande on an elephant without drawing any official attention -- though it would have been an impressive demonstration on its own -- is really made much more impressive by the simple addition of a mariachi band making a huge (and traditionally Mexican) racket while you do it.

  4. Maybe a fireworks display.

  5. That would have been a nice touch too. :)

  6. I would pay real money to see him ride Harry Reid across the border with fireworks shooting out of his...

    Ummm... nevermind.

  7. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Thaaaannnnks, Cass. Just the mental picture I need on my way to the dentist.


  8. I give, and I give, and I give... :)

  9. Ymar Sakar4:24 PM

    Grim, how much S()mtex can an elephant carry anyways?

  10. Ymar Sakar4:26 PM

    Of course Reid's border is secure. Much of his territory in Nevada is secured by chasing out ranchers and American competitors using his private military goons.

  11. Grim, how much S()mtex can an elephant carry anyways?

    As much as he wants to? I'm certainly not going to argue with an elephant with a trunk full of semtex :)

    /running away
