Side B

H/t Powerline.


  1. Muslims often say that 'the greater jihad' is the jihad against yourself, to try to bring yourself in line with the spiritual principles of the faith. That certainly works both ways!

    As for the 'lesser jihad,' well, some of the ancient military orders still exist.

  2. Ymar Sakar5:57 PM

    Hey, stop playing the White Knight...

    Where's our Black Knight?

  3. I can be either, as required. But sometimes the White Knight is the more fearsome.

  4. Well, the black knight lost a few limbs ... It was a tie, though, so it's cool.

    Of course, the Crusades were at least in part a response to Islamic aggression. I don't think at all that this pope will call one, but I wonder what would happen if he did.

  5. at least in part

    More than "in part."

  6. Ymar Sakar10:32 AM

    The SBG guys sent over this video for various purposes.

    Vader can still use the Force without limbs, though. Or at least they should have.

  7. Ymar Sakar10:34 AM

    Christianity based Kingdoms had various issues, so uniting them together so they stop warring and raiding each other, and instead fight for the Holy Land and ensure pilgrims are safe, was better for the Christian image.

    Islamic Jihad has similar problems with Sunni vs Shia. Once they solve their internal disputes, though, an external enemy is required to unite them, like Israel.

  8. Eric Blair4:32 PM

    No society ever hits 'rock bottom' unless it's at the receiving end of a conquering armed invasion.

  9. Ymar Sakar6:50 PM

    If you talk to Southerners with ancestry memory of Civil War, they would say it hit rock bottom, even the inglorious famine.
