Seven Stars and Seven Stones


  1. ...and one white tree? :)

    Looks like Heaven.

  2. Lovely!

  3. It's not quite heaven -- I assume getting around heaven is less strenuous! -- but it is a few thousand feet closer. :)

    The pictures are from Commissary Ridge and Mt. Mitchell, the latter being the tallest mountain in North America east of the Mississippi river. It was a great hike.

  4. Ymar Sakar1:23 PM

    I guess you didn't find any zombies.

  5. Neither more nor less than I expected.

  6. Gringo10:59 PM

    Beautiful photos. Can't claim that 100 degrees TX is a better place to be right now.

  7. Wow. I did not know that the tallest point East of the Mississippi was only at 6684 ft. That's basically the front range to the San Gabriel's right here on the edge of Los Angeles. The deeper ranges have several peaks over 9k and one over 10k. I'm talking within an hour and fifteen minutes or less drive of Downtown to any of them (traffic excepted).

    I guess having that proximity to true alpine landscapes is one of the things that keeps me here, despite the insanity of California...

  8. Yeah, to get to a higher mountain from Mt. Mitchell, it's a drive of over a thousand miles. And that one is only a few feet higher.

    Once you get there of course, it being in Colorado, it's not that far to some that are over 14k. Still, even with a long weekend, it was out of range from Georgia!

  9. Ymar Sakar12:07 PM

    Once we get Quantum Entanglement teleporters, it won't be an issue.

  10. Well, one is grateful for the beauty one has available to enjoy, and a weekend in the woods is better than the grind in the city, any day.
