Decisiveness - a Remembrance

I remember how people used to make fun of President Reagan because he slept so much. The Capitol Steps did a really hilarious skit (to the tune of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"), where Reagan is sleeping through a foreign-policy crisis while Vice-President Bush tries to solve it alone and the chorus sings, "a-wake-him-up-a-wake-him-up-a-wake-him-up-a-wake-him-up..."

It was only years later that I learned, when Grenada was overthrown by a radical Marxist coup, Mr. Reagan was shaken awake at four in the morning...and he was ready to make his decision right then. No doubt it helped that he had a strategic vision. A simple one, they say, but effective.

ISIS has been on the rampage out of Syria and into Iraq since mid-June. Today, at the end of August, I heard the news from President Obama: "We don't have a strategy yet."

Our prospective next President got her longed-for 3 A.M. call from Benghazi...and blew it.

As the troubadours sang, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."


  1. Acknowledged by e-mail.

  2. Or as we say in the Boy Scouts, "If you fail to plan, you've planned to fail."

  3. He has a strategy all right- but it is not one to admit openly.

  4. Ymar Sakar9:27 PM

    At least he wasn't playing golf and taking family vacations on the American back, while sleeping.

  5. Ymar Sakar10:53 PM

    Hussein's strategy is to fund terrorists, as he did in Libya, and train them, as he did with ISIL in Syria, using American backed power.

    That's his strategy.

    What he intends to do with them, you'll have to ask him yourself.
