Are America's poorest left to hang?

A British blogger compares American prosperity to British in each of twenty percentile groups, and finds Americans better off economically in all but the bottom 5%, where Britain has a narrow edge. There's also a ranking of each America state, with some European countries included for comparison. Only Mississippi loses out to Britain. H/t Maggie's Farm.


  1. I saw something similar on the subject of the UK, were it ranked as a US state, being poorer than any state except Missouri.

  2. But no, really... tell me again about your wonderful socialized medicine and safety nets. Real powerhouse economy, right?


  3. Ymar Sakar11:52 AM

    At least in the US, police will go to a neighborhood, eventually.

    In Europe and Britain, some places the police aren't even allowed into, because the gangs and Muslim overlords rule their livestock. The human livestock that is.
