Anti-Ass Coalition

Today's first story comes from right down the road in Gainesville, Georgia (formerly known as "Mule Camp Springs," because it was a place with sufficient water to water your mule train before or after a trip over the nearby mountains; for some reason we have a habit in Georgia of changing excellent historic place names to very bland ones). The Congressman for the Mighty Ninth Congressional district, Doug Collins, is on the job.
The previous day, the atheists (acting on behalf of a single, unnamed citizen) sent a letter to school officials demanding that the football coaching staff stop participating in team prayers and that they remove all biblical references and religious messages from team documents....

“The liberal atheist interest groups trying to bully Chestatee High School kids say they have a reason to believe that expressions of religious freedom are ‘not an isolated event’ in Northeast Georgia,” Collins wrote in a statement. “They’re right. In Hall County and throughout Georgia’s 9th district, we understand and respect the Constitution and cherish our right to worship in our own way.”...

And it was not lost on the Collins that while the American atheists are picking on high school kids, Christians in Iraq are facing unspeakable atrocities. “It’s utterly disgusting that while innocent lives are being lost in Iraq and other places at the hands of radical religious terrorists, a bunch of Washington lawyers are finding the time to pick on kids in Northeast Georgia,” he said.
Well, if the Caliphate would answer a summons, or obey a court ruling, I'm sure they'd be happy to sue them too.

Or at least threaten to sue. It seems like that often is enough by itself, these days. Take the case of a little restaurant in North Carolina that liked to give a small gift to customers it observed engaging in saying a family grace before dinner.
Mary probably thought she had a nice idea that would incentivize gratitude for the good in life. She stated publicly that “Who you talk to or meditate on etc. is your business,” giving all people of all various beliefs and non-beliefs an equal opportunity to qualify for the discount, but that clearly wasn’t enough for a well-lawyered organization whose desires seem to be satisfied by becoming the center of attention that rains on well-intentioned parades.

Regardless of the fact that the verb “pray” has multiple definitions, aside from the one with religious connotations, the [Freedom From Religion Foundation] decided to work against Mary’s instead of working with them to find an appropriate alternative that worked for all.
Now probably that one would have survived in court -- after all, plenty of places offer discounts only to certain classes of people ("Student discount!" "Senior discount!" "Ladies' Night!"). But as Mark Steyn has noted many times since his own legal troubles began, the process is the punishment: resisting the suit takes so much time and money that, even if you win, it's probably cost you everything.

These stunts -- I think of the famous case where "Zombie Muhammad" got his butt handed to him by an irate Muslim observer -- are built around abusing the system in order to undermine the things on which the system stands. You may, in a sense, have a right to dress like Muhammad as a zombie and march through a Muslim neighborhood. If you do it, you're an ass. You deserve the beating from which the system will try to protect you. Not for blasphemy, but for being an ass.

Pray or don't, but don't be these guys.


  1. You may, in a sense, have a right to dress like Muhammad as a zombie and march through a Muslim neighborhood. If you do it, you're an ass. You deserve the beating from which the system will try to protect you. Not for blasphemy, but for being an ass.

    VICTIM BLAMER!!!!11!! :)

    Seriously, I couldn't agree more.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Yup. An ass, no matter what belief system he chooses to drape himself/herself with, is still an ass.*

    *No disrespect intended to donkeys, mules, or other equines.


  3. Ymar Sakar11:52 AM

    "resisting the suit takes so much time and money that, even if you win, it's probably cost you everything."

    Lawyer unions couldn't launder any money if the process wasn't complicated. What do you think this is, a republic that calls itself a democracy?

  4. I wonder if there'd be much support (i.e., donations) for a "Freedom from Asses Foundation" that fought off this kind of lawsuit?

    I'd probably donate.

  5. There ought to be such a society.

  6. DL Sly3:04 PM

    But, what if they like big butts and they cannot lie?

  7. WEllllllll, I was going to call it something else, but didn't want to get vulgar ...

  8. Nothing vulgar about jackasses, Tom: Freedom from JackAsses Foundation.

    With a nod to LittleRed1 in my own petty drive for inclusiveness: other equines.

    Eric Hines

  9. Ymar Sakar4:14 PM

    So the religion of fake atheism is somehow now the national religion and gets to prosecute all other religions, except Islam.


  10. That would work, Eric. I like it.

    Now, I just need to convince someone to take up this worthy cause ...
