This should be interesting

Several House members have just filed a resolution to direct the sergeant-at-arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress.


  1. *snort*

    Couldn't happen to a nicer woman.

  2. Ymar Sakar10:59 PM

    Hasn't happened yet.

  3. You know, they have a cell in the Congressional building for this purpose. However, I think all Americans should worry about Contempt of Congress becoming an enforcable law again. :)

  4. According to Wikipedia, there are also two deputy sergeant-at-arms. I suggest we expand the service to a dozen or two, require the US Marshals Service to provide them training in hunting down and apprehending fugitives, and give them nation-wide jurisdiction.

  5. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I have more faith in the discovery process than the legislative process for this particular problem.

    Notice that the judge is requiring an explanation under oath. Perjury is a felony.


  6. And the Department of Justice is responsible for prosecuting felonies...

    My breath, I'm not holding it.

  7. Felony? What felony?

    I don't see no stinkin' felonies...

  8. I think all Americans should worry about Contempt of Congress becoming an enforcable law again.

    I stand behind no one in my deep and abiding respect for the institution of Congress. Most of the men and women who sit in those chairs, though,....

    Eric Hines

  9. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Eric, lying under oath is a felony. The judge is requiring testimony under oath, under penalty for perjury.

    Yes, I know the US Attorney General should know this, but since this one does not understand the basics of jurisdiction and precedent, I figure it has to be explained to him in simple terms.

    I do not understand how Eric Holder and Barack Obama graduated from law school.

