Power vacuum

The President argues that it's ridiculous to imagine the border can be controlled. That's just primitive "moats and alligators" thinking.  But if the U.S. doesn't control the border, does that mean it's uncontrolled?  Not at all, reports an Oklahoma congressman.  Cartels have stepped into the breach and locked up the border as tight as a drum:
“There are a lot of children there that have suffered on the trek to the United States of America. We’re talking about cases where people were abused … when you pay criminal organizations to transport children, you’re putting your children in harm’s way,” Bridenstine said. “If you don’t pay [criminal organizations] enough money your children could be subject to forced labor, forced prostitution, sold in the slave trade, and in many cases many cases death. There are mass graves in northern Mexico because somebody didn’t pay the right criminal organization.”


  1. The government wants the chaos- without it they would have little reason for existing. Remember Rahm's comment?

  2. Ymar Sakar10:27 AM

    Paying the Democrats, another criminal org is better?

  3. If the border is locked up tighter than a drum, where are all these kids coming from?

  4. I don't mean to suggest that the cartels are preventing kids from getting through. I'm suggesting that the only kids who get through are the ones the cartels let through. They are in control of the border in a way that the U.S. government decidedly is not.
