Looking familiar

Demagogues have no trouble employing the ideology of identity politics to stir up a sense of grievance against the festering injustice that is Amerika. What's odd is that they're comfortable doing so in support of people who want to get to Amerika because their own cultures have failed, and that they're using the favorite tropes of fascism to do it:
Does Representative Gutierrez have any notion that the reason why tens of thousands of what he refers to as “our people” are risking their lives to enter the U.S. is that because, unlike their home nations, America’s prosperity is ultimately based on the sanctity of racially-blind and politically-blind laws, laws that cannot be simply created or dismissed for particular interest groups by someone shouting to an assembly, convening under the banner of “The Race”?
Strip away the very thin leftist veneer of all this and we can see the old demagogic and ethnic fascism of the European 1930s.
Ein Volk, ein Land.


  1. Ymar Sakar11:46 AM

    Nothing outside the State, nothing against the State, all for the state.

  2. I don't think people like Representative Guiterrez believe that:

    America’s prosperity is ultimately based on the sanctity of racially-blind and politically-blind laws, laws that cannot be simply created or dismissed for particular interest groups by someone shouting to an assembly, convening under the banner of “The Race”?

    Rather, I imagine he believes that America's prosperity is based on one "race" - WASP Northern Europeans - taking prosperity that legitimately belongs to other "races": Native Americans, Hispanics, whoever. Those on the Left do not believe that the "home nations" of South and Central America are poor because of their culture or their politics; rather those countries are poor because the United States took all the/their wealth.
