Delicious tears

I like the way Kevin Williamson thinks, probably because I'm not a nice person.
Progressives mad about Hobby Lobby started a campaign under the motto: “Not my boss’s business.” But Obamacare makes it — pardon me for noticing — literally your boss’s business. And I don’t mean “literally” the way Joe Biden uses it; I mean “literally” the way literally literate people use it. The alternative is this: Your money, your pills, your call. If what you care about is access to contraception, then that’s a pretty good model. If what you care about is using the levers of the state to force moral uniformity on the entire country so that atavistic Evangelical types have to knuckle under to your demands — well, you lost.


  1. I like the way Kevin Williamson thinks, probably because I'm not a nice person.

    Grab your wallets, boys, she's a lawyer and she's asking us to trust her.

  2. raven8:25 PM

    There is no financial advantage for consumers buying an item through a third or fourth party. That's why brick and mortar stores are having a hard time. So the "insurance savings" is total BS- Unless you can force others, who you know will never use the product, to contribute to the pool.

  3. Ymar Sakar3:38 PM

    They're not losing, they are actually winning, the LEftist alliance. People like to think they are losing, because they think they are playing by the rules.
