Border spending

Does the President think "border security" means letting everyone over the border and then finding the money to feed, house, and transport them to other locations within the U.S.?  No wonder he'll have trouble getting a few more billion dollars.

(1) Wide-open borders.
(2) Welfare state.

Pick one.


  1. (1) Wide-open borders.
    (2) Welfare state.
    Pick one.

    What makes you think they're mutually exclusive in Obama's, or any of his fellow Progressives' eyes?

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar8:21 PM

    The SS protects Hussein's borders. That's all that matters.

  3. I think the concept is to expand the one by expanding the other, thus creating both (a) a voting base that shifts toward the socialist mores of much of Latin America, and (b) a native population that is impoverished by having the value of its labor diluted, thus making it more dependent on government.

  4. Ymar Sakar4:43 PM

    In other words, engineered collapse for political, social, and military gain.

    But just as people in 2008 refused to believe it. So they will Refuse to believe their eyes too, in 2014. They will need a lot more WACOs to wake up.
