Apparently Successfully

So the next challenge is... how to regain respect?



    Not a man very concerned with being respected, I fear.

  2. Ymar Sakar10:26 AM

    Venture has a lot of rumors about him floating around. And I did hear about the sniper vs V, one time.

    Generally the suit is ancillary proof that something happened.

  3. So the next challenge is... how to regain respect?

    One way: forgive the court-mandated debt in its entirety, on the grounds that simply winning the case makes his point regarding his "sullied" reputation.

    Fat chance.

    I've been hit on occasion, sometimes even in anger. My ego was never damaged by the deed. This man's apparently is quite fragile.

    Eric Hines

  4. Ymar Sakar5:20 PM

    Venture said one time that religious people were weak and had to rely on their faith as a crutch.

    One wonders how a weakling like V deals with such things, what does he rely upon? Money and fame?
