
It looks as though the Mississippi senate republican primary race for is headed for a runoff between longtime incumbent Cochran and insurgent McDaniel.  For many, the race has become about the controversy over Cochran's hospitalized wife and who is most guilty of taking advantage of her pitiable condition.  Ace sees it differently:
How establishment is Cochran?  Here's longtime House GOP leadership staffer and now self-described bi-partisan "Super Lobbyist" John Feehery reacting to the results last night.
"I guess Mississippi doesn't want Federal money any more.  I betcha there are 49 states that will gladly take it."
That's exactly the kind of mindset that pervades DC.  Politicians are judged on their ability to extract money from you and give it to someone else.  Scalp hunting isn't simply ego driven or designed to make people feel good.  It's about changing the Republican party.

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