Off Message

Pope Francis:
This culture of wellbeing convinced us it is better not to have children! It’s better! You can go explore the world, go on holiday, you can have a villa in the countryside, you can be carefree [...]

It might be more comfortable to have a dog, two cats, and the love goes to the two cats and the dog. Then in the end this marriage comes to old age in solitude, with the bitterness of loneliness. It is not fruitful, it does not do what Jesus does with his Church: He makes His Church fruitful.
What? Marriage has something to do with being fruitful and multiplying? That could have all kinds of consequences!


  1. Egads! Heresy!

  2. Eric Blair5:52 PM

    But still, in the end, it ain't about this world, and I find it curious that the pope would couch his language in this manner.

  3. That could have all kinds of consequences!

    Inter alia a solution to the Social Security problem.

  4. Inter alia a solution to the Social Security problem.

    The wrong solution, though.

    Eric Hines

  5. Well, the right solution--secession--is a bit more complicated.

  6. The right solution--privatizing Social Security and Medicare--is less complicated, albeit only a little less difficult politically.

    Eric Hines

  7. Eric Blair3:27 PM

    How is secession a solution?

  8. The right solution--privatizing Social Security and Medicare--is less complicated, albeit only a little less difficult politically.

    That solution is probably more difficult politically.

    We can't tackle these problems because we don't agree about basic concepts: what is the proper role of government? What is its proper size and structure? What does justice entail, and how much of achieving that justice is a public function?

    The one thing we agree about is that we'd be better off without each other. That dream can come true.

    Which, as it happens, would entail solutions to all the other problems -- different ones in different places, but you'd be able to get the traction necessary to try different things.

    My favored solution to Social Security is just to let the currently young opt out of it, and kill the program when it runs out of money. Medicare is better run by charities.
