"Lions Ate Him."

Nick at Ranger Up has a good story about the time he was almost eaten by a lion during a college trip to Africa.


  1. Ymar Sakar11:05 PM

    There's a video of an African driver poking a cheetah or lion in the face to get it to move out of the cage. Didn't work. Or rather worked, but the animal came around with blood in its eyes and tore a chunk off the driver by pouncing into the driver's seat a few times.

    Then there was that story of 2 teenagers outside a deep encircled pit, that had a tiger in it. They kept throwing things at the tiger, thinking it was too far away to do anything. Until the tiger jumped up, mauled the two, and went on a marauder town until enforcers took it down.

    Then there was that time Jimbo was telling a non classified story about Training in South East Asia, how the SF snake eaters were leading around a bunch of locals and found a snake, one SF operator put a dagger in the snake and held it up for the rest to look at, thinking it was non poisonous. TUrned out he got the ID switched up, it was the deadly poisonous one, not the harmless one, from the brief.

  2. I've heard Jimbo tell that story. It's a good one. I think it was Okinawa, though: as I recall it the SF team was training some US Marines in jungle warfare, and the guy picked up a deadly snake with his knife -- thinking it was harmless -- in order to make the Marines think that SF guys are fearless. When he found out he'd actually been toying with the deadly one instead...

    Well, it's better when Jimbo tells it.

  3. He tells it in this video. Okinawa it was.

  4. Ymar Sakar11:57 AM


    Need that Tiger on the stealth recon and sniper team. It's good.

    Going to need that when the Left brings out their big guns. On side of Gaia will be stealth tigers and dolphin killers escorting whales that fire torpedoes.

    On a more serious note, this is why I carry a katana around, sometimes. They also needed a Bigger elephant, since small ones might look tasty.

    Tiger must have got real hungry to go after the chopsticks on that little elephant. He must have been thinking, "oh yea, got an appetizer riding this elephant, I'll grab it first and then eat the elephant, yum".

    Now if a tiger saw a 3 foot flashing steel fang hanging out of his food, it might have rethought things.

  5. Gringo10:18 PM

    I once saw a photo of a giraffe in front of a lion ready to pounce. I wonder how that turned out.

  6. Depends upon whose viewpoint you're seeing from.
