Father's Day Activities

Today I've refreshed someone on how to build a fire to soften beans for Father's Day chili. After that, fly-sprayed the horses and put Vaseline in the ears to keep flies out of them. The beasts are much happier now.

Then we got out the grindstone and repaired a knife that had gotten blunted due to being used by an inexperienced hand. While we were at it, resharpened axe, hatchet, machete.

Perhaps a game of chess later. Beer on ice for the appropriate hour.

Pretty good day, so far.


  1. Sounds like a good day. Happy Father's Day, Grim!

  2. DL Sly3:09 PM

    Sounds perfect!
    Happy Father's Day, Grim.

  3. Amen. Happy Father's Day.

    Though I confess I've gotten spoiled by microwaves, and Plano frowns on horses in the backyard. Though we do have our bobcats and coyotes competing away a couple blocks down in our green belt. Wish I could feed the coyotes; it's been a hard winter for them.

    Eric Hines

  4. My daughter treated me to a sail on a 90 foot 100 year old gaff rigged schooner. It was a lot of fun, and a lesson in rigging. Both sides of her line were fishermen and sailors,in war and peace, back as far as we know. She takes to the salt with grace.
