
Starting with "The Washington Racecards," the National Review Online is soliciting our help in coming up with a new and more appropriate name for the sports franchise that dare not speak its name. "The Redtapes" is good, I think.


  1. Washington Thinskins is pretty good.

    How about:

    Washington [CENSORED]

  2. I don't really care too much about this one way or another. If a lot of Native Americans are really offended by the Redskins name, why not change it? It's just a sports team. On the other hand, if it's only a bunch of white liberals expressing their privilege, er, guilt, we should just laugh at them.

    In any case, I think the government should have stayed out of it entirely, but there are more important fish to fry at that party (starting with the IRS & DOJ).

  3. Ooh, here's more on that, including a poll result that about 90% of Native American respondents didn't care. (Not sure how scientific the poll is, but there it is.) And Iowahawk's:

    Let's get rid of all references to Native Americans and rename them the Washington Elizabeth Warrens.

    (Not sure how to link a tweet; am I old or what?)

  4. I'm still trying to figure out why a sports team would name itself after a group of human beings they despised and meant to disparage (by associating themselves with that group and taking their identity from it, apparently).

    "Hey! We're the Losers/ Idiots/ Morons/ Pansies/ Wannabe's! Fear us, because we're gonna totally kick your butt!"

    Lacks a certain 'je ne sais quois', does it not? Maybe that's why the people-related names are ones like Raiders, Giants, Patriots, 49-ers, Buccaneers, Titans...

    On the otter heiny, there are a lot of 'state creature'-type team names (Ravens, Bears, Broncos, Panthers, Lions, Eagles), most of which are also more than a bit fierce/warlike in nature.

    But apparently the Redskins are odd in their strange desire to associate themselves with a group they (supposedly) despise and look down upon (as opposed to want to emulate)?

  5. DL Sly7:02 PM

    Washington Dickheads

    Washington Foreskins

    Washington Asshats

    Washington hotcoldwetdry (that'll strike fear in the heart of every foe!)

    Washington Swamp Monsters

    Foggy Bottom Fogies

    I'm sure I can think of more once the beer starts flowing.

  6. I'd suggest something representative of what they do, like Washington Footballers, but on second thought, that's likely to get someone's panties (can I say that?) in a twist, too, over some obscure se*ual reference.

    More likely, though, I'd stick with Redskins and, to quote George Kennedy's Patton, stick the name up their pink, commie a**.

    Eric Hines

  7. Note: By their pink..., I mean those who object to the name Redskins.

    Eric Hines

  8. Eric Blair7:24 PM

    I dunno. Change the name to the "Warriors" and be done with it.

    If it's good enough for the 2nd Infantry Division, it's good enough for them.

  9. I thought 2nd ID's nickname was the "Indian Head Division". Did something happen to change that?

  10. I think everyone is missing the point here. The problem was the negative association with the team name. It was demeaning to Native Americans, and really, who can blame them. The real solution is to remove the offensive portion of the name, so that negative association will be forever severed.

    From now on, they should no longer be the "Washington Redskins", and now just be the "Redskins".

  11. My friend from the area prefers "The Chesapeake Bay Indigenous Persons."

  12. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Washington Fedskins.

    It refers to the government, and all they have to do is use a little paint to change the name.


  13. The real solution is to remove the offensive portion of the name, so that negative association will be forever severed.

    I thought you were going to go with Washington Skins, or maybe Washington Reds.

    Eric Hines

  14. MikeD wins, I think.

  15. Of course, Washington was a slave owner. Maybe we should rename the state.
