Best Thing To Do With Death, is Ride Off From It

Two in a week is rough country. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


  1. Who is the second loss, Grim? I'm sorry your family is having such a rough time.

  2. My sister's child. He wasn't born yet, but was very much wanted.

  3. How awful. There are really no words for such things, except perhaps to say that although our sorrow is so much less than yours, it touches us too.

    Odd, the things the Internet transmits and connects.

    May God grant solace to you all, my dear friend.

  4. I tried to say something, but I don't have the words right now. Please extend my sympathies to your sister and let her know I would give her a hug if I could. This is a deeper wound than many realize.

  5. DL Sly12:47 PM

    Grim, please extend my condolences to you sister as well. The loss of a child in any way, but at such a stage of life, is very hard to accept. I empathize deeply with your sister, and I am sorry for her truly tragic loss.
    May God place his arm around your family and hold you close to his heart.

  6. Thank you, all.

  7. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Prayers for your family. Sometimes, losing what could have been seems worse than losing what is.


  8. I don't have the words, either. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  9. I'm reminded of my brother and sister-in-law's loss of what would have been a nephew right around the age of my son. It's a pain difficult to describe- or talk about. More prayers to be offered here.

    It's true, we must live our lives and 'ride from death'- but grieving is important too- and part of living, alas.
