Barber Shops

I used to go to barber shops. My favorite one was run out of one end of a tire shop. They'd use a pressurized air line to blow off the back of your neck that was hooked to the same pump that they were airing tires with on the other side of the wall. They'd shave your neck with a straight razor.

These days my hair is too thin to bother a barber about. I just shave it off once every week or so. Testosterone poisoning, you know. Huge beard, no hair.

But I remember them fondly, those barber shops.


  1. Last haircut: 1998.

  2. About the same for my wife. She used to trim her bangs before we married -- fifteen years ago tomorrow -- but stopped because I suggested I might like it even more if they grew out to match the rest of her hair.

  3. I cut my own hair and have for years. Haven't had a professional haircut since 2009 when the spouse came home from Afghanistan, and though I should probably have shorter hair I enjoy the freedom to put it up/back and not have to style it every morning.

    I cut both our boys' hair because I was particular about the way it looked and wasn't happy with the barber shops we tried. Plus, it saved a TON of money. One son still cuts his own hair (like Grim, he shaves it off).

  4. DL Sly7:04 PM

    "I cut my own hair and have for years."

    *one mystery solved*

  5. I like my wife's hair to be long, like down to the small of her back long.

    She demurs. Something about Texas heat. Something else about the inconvenience of taking care of it. That part I don't understand--with her hair as long as it should be, she can get it all out in front of her where she can see it. And she says she's the one who has to wear it. She doesn't care that I'm the one who has to look at it.

    So we compromise: she gets what's essentially a page cut every month or so.

    Me, I go to the same clipper shop (haven't seen an actual barber shop in years) and get my hair cut with a No. 4 once a quarter, whether I need the trim or not.

    Eric Hines

  6. When I was a kid, the barbershop wasn't where you saw beautiful women cutting hair, you saw the Playboy on the table with the other magazines, but didn't dare pick it up while Dad was getting his haircut and you were waiting your turn. Those were the only women in the shop- well, besides the calendar art.

  7. I shave my head (beard and hair, not eyebrows) once every three months or so. About as long as it takes for the fur to begin to annoy me. It's free, and it's easy.

  8. Gringo3:37 PM

    I cut my own hair, and have done so for 20+ year. When hair is too long around my ears, I trim- perhaps every month. I don't save that much money, as I would be getting a haircut every 2-3 months, but I save time. Instead of 30-60 minutes round trip to a barber, I spend maybe 5 minutes in front of a mirror. Another advantage is that there is more continuity in my appearance.
