
The stakes couldn't be higher for the upcoming midterms:  the President's very will to serve.
For White House officials, [the realization of high stakes] crystallized during meetings like the one that Obama, humbled and remorseful, hosted in November [2013] with a dozen Democratic senators. . . .
The senators, all facing reelection in 2014, were furious because they had seen their approval numbers nose dive almost overnight, largely because the most tech-savvy administration in history couldn’t develop a health care website that worked. . . .
According to several participants, Begich and his colleagues demanded to know how committed Obama was to fighting for the Senate majority. Obama was known as a fierce competitor when his name was on the ballot, not so much when it was not. 
“I don’t really care to be president without the Senate," Obama said, according to attendees . . . .


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I think Obama has contracted the Nixon syndrome. He needs to be contained. Too bad there isn't an Al Haig around to do that.


  2. DL Sly12:43 PM

    Funny, I was thinking Lee Harvey Oswald. Treason is punishable by death by firing hanging would *obviously* be raaayyyyycist!

  3. Poor guy. So pathetic.

  4. For some reason I'm reminded of a dumb thing we used to say in 8th grade:

    "My heart bleeds peanut butter".

  5. "I don’t really care to be president without the Senate," Obama said[.]

    So, if the Republicans/Conservatives get a majority in the Senate, can we take Obama at his word?

    Or was that just another period moment?

    Eric Hines

  6. Maybe he'll move to Phrance. Or better yet, to the Middle East where we hear one can get hot and cold running freedom and economic justice 24/7.

    A girl can hope.

  7. Gringo6:29 PM

    We can only wish, Cass & E Hines.
    Could Slow Joe do worse?

  8. I recall Senator Slow Joe, at Justice Thomas' confirmation lynching--I mean hearing--interrupting a witness for Thomas to prevent him from continuing to give actionably slanderous, if not criminal, testimony intended to support Thomas. Biden did this even though he opposed Thomas' confirmation.

    Nor Senator Obama nor President Obama has ever done anything of the sort. If the fall-through is to Joe, I can live with that for a couple of years.

    Eric Hines

  9. Careful Sly- stuff like that will get you a visit from the Secret Service. These days, I don't think you can assume they'll understand it was just a blog comment, or joke, or that it'll just fly under the radar...Big Brother lives.

  10. Ymar Sakar11:40 AM

    The problem was never Hussein to begin with. If people think it'll be over in 2016... heh

  11. DL Sly3:03 PM

    And I'll continue to remind them that the law does allow for shooting those who have committed treason. I'm not afraid of these people. I am pissed off at them though, and that, for them, is not a good thing. Like the line from Men In Black goes, "Don't start nuthin'. Won't be nuthin'."

  12. Ymar Sakar10:35 PM

    "Cause pain before you injure. Injure before you maim. Maim before you kill. And if you must kill, make it a clean kill. Squeeze every drop of life from the opponent. Because life is so precious, it cannot be wasted, even in death."

    “Let him cut your skin, and you cut his flesh. Let him cut your flesh, and you cut his bones. Let him cut your bones, and you cut off his life.”
