Isolated incidents

I'm starting to wonder whether there were any VA facilities that didn't falsify their waiting lists.
The audit, issued as VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned Friday, found that 64 percent of the 216 VA facilities reviewed had at least one instance where a veterans’ desired appointment date had been changed. The review found 13 percent of schedulers had received specific instructions to misrepresent wait times. …


  1. Ymar Sakar5:41 PM

    Haven't heard anything about the VA union. Perhaps an unconfirmed rumour or perhaps the real serpent in the pile that people aren't looking at.

  2. US Gov & Veteran's Administration: How do you gather the courage to even look at your reflection in the mirror. Do not these deaths kill you with shame? Martyrdom is a celebration of death amidst life and my soul is dying to have liberation

  3. One of the articles I read said this was a common trick: a guy comes in, looking for an appointment ASAP. The scheduler says, "The next available is in 90 days. Will you accept that?" "Well, I guess I don't have a choice, right?" The clerk then changes the "waiting time" to 0 days, because the date was "accepted."

    Shinseki's resignation was no more than honor required, but it's not going to fix this all by itself.

  4. William11:13 AM

    Florida's been doing that and more for so long it's just "business as usual" now. It's a great system if you're high profile or well connected. Otherwise, it seems if you die while waiting for help it's just one less person on the waiting lists....

    William sends.
