Eat What You Want & Die Like A Man

The world's oldest living man gives advice on what it takes for a man to make it to 111 (there are 66 living older women):
• Not having children.

• Not drinking alcohol.

• Quitting smoking.

• Playing multiple sports. “I was a gymnast,” he said. “Good runner, a good springer. Good javelin, and I was a good swimmer.”

• A diet "inspired by Eastern mystics who disdain food," the Times said. (According to Imich's caregivers, he eats matzo balls, gefilte fish, chicken noodle soup, Ritz crackers, scrambled eggs, chocolate and ice cream.)
Sports are good, but as for the rest of it, what then could be the point of living so long?

(Post title from this cookbook.)


  1. More time to eat chocolate and ice cream, perhaps? Although I'm not sure it's worth trading alcohol for.

  2. Eh. 99% of the time, I'd rather have the ice cream than the booze. But then again, I'm no teetotaler.

  3. DL Sly12:47 PM

    Reminds me of the old joke:
    I read somewhere that smoking, drinking and carousing can take 10 years off your life.
    So I gave up reading.

