Warning Order: Bannockburn

It is now exactly two months until the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn.

Prepare yourselves with due care.


  1. Given the current talk of Scottish separatism, this could be a VERY interesting anniversary celebration.

  2. From your lips, etc.

  3. Not being Scottish, I really don't have a dog in that fight. But I WILL say, it might get VERY interesting in Ireland if they let the Scots go. But I'll bet the Welsh don't make any fuss one way or the other. They might as well be English these days.

  4. Should be an interesting op order.

  5. NLT 0000 24JUN14 BPT....

  6. Eric Blair11:21 AM

    I'm kind of thinking that people outside of Scotland are making more of the anniversary than people in Scotland. Apparently there was supposed to be a reenactment, (and there has been in the past) but because of some scheduling conflicts with soccer matches, it looks like it isn't going to happen.

    That vote will be interesting, since the EU has all but said that an independent Scotland would have to apply for membership in the EU, and not just automatically get it.

    The EU isn't really in on this devolution thing, since the Spanish and Italians both have domestic issues with various sepratist movements, and there are also areas in France, Belgium and even Germany that would go their own way if given the chance.

  7. The EU isn't really in on this devolution thing...

    To say the least! The EU is product of a philosophy (also driving the collectivist Left in the USA) that believes that bigger states are better than smaller ones. Kant makes a part of the argument in his works on cosmopolitanism, especially "Perpetual Peace."

    My own thoughts run almost exactly counter to Kant's here. The more layers of law you pile on people, and the more distant and unaccountable the bureaucracies you put in charge of their lives, the more likely it is you'll get a really good war now and then. Wherever it is possible for a community with a common language and shared sense of history and values to govern itself, that should be pursued. Watching these things dissolve peacefully is glorious.

    The road to a happy Scotland is to leave the UK and not even ask for membership in the EU. They're well off without them.

  8. Eric Blair5:07 PM

    You might think that, but you're an American. My (admittedly limited) experience with actual Scots is that they are way more collectivist in outlook than you as an American can imagine.

    A friend of mine 'went back' to visit where his ancestors came from and ran into both that attitude and also one along the lines of "Your ancestors left for America? They must have been losers."

  9. Ymar Sakar5:40 PM

    Pull another clown out of the hat.
