Tennessee Riders

Due to the illness of an earlier family member -- one who did, Tex, end up having brain surgery -- I have made a ride up north this weekend. While I was there I came across these photos that my aunt had dug up for her eldest son, my cousin. Here he is, circa 1977:

And here he is, with my grandfather:

She didn't have pictures, my aunt, but apparently my uncle and my cousin's sister were big riders in those days, too. My father owned a motorcycle then, but he wasn't as big into it as he was into muscle cars.

It's those Tennessee mountain roads. They seduce.


  1. raven2:05 PM

    Sweet photo's.
    I don't know where it comes from, Grim. The motorcycle gene is a mysterious thing. No one in my family rode, but somehow it attached to me. Sometimes it skips generations,grandfather to grandson.
    My wife may have gotten it from her brothers.

  2. I suspect it's just the old cavalry gene.
