Some of these shouldn't be tried at home . . .

. . . even though they look like a lot of fun.


  1. The description of snake venom's effect on blood is pleasant.

  2. Great stuff. We used to use the acetone - Styrofoam reaction to clear molds of the positive form- you carved the positive in a block of foam, poured plaster around it, then used the acetone to get the original foam out, so you could pour a new positive out of whatever suitable material you liked. I always assumed it couldn't be good to be around, but if it's only releasing the air, then really, it seems pretty safe.

  3. I always assumed it couldn't be good to be around, but if it's only releasing the air, then really, it seems pretty safe.

    Safety from the released air would depend on the toxicity of the fumes from the styrofoam formation that are trapped in those bubbles, and how much of them actually were trapped.

    Acetone fumes aren't healthy in any event.

    Your caution was well grounded.

    Eric Hines
